Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Acid Tongue

The whole album is available to sample on her myspace!
Friday at the Echo.. Who's coming?

Friday, September 5, 2008


Suppose Sigur Rós ask people from all around the world to do their
own re-interpretations of a tune? And what better than 'Gobbledigook',
the gibberish anthem itself?
So here we are: we're giving you all the backing track stripped of
lead vocal and the lyrics in both (broken) English and Icelandic as an MP3
Download Here
All we ask is that you supply your own rendition of this
free-spirited branch of Sigur Ros's development. No holds barred. The
only thing to fear is fear itself, etc, etc
PRIZE: There will be a signed copy of the Special Edition of */Með
suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust/* to the most gratifying entry -
that's not necessarily the best, just the one the band like the most.
Ok, do your worst....
Go to the Group page on YouTube for complete details:


Jenny Lewis. New Album. Acid Tongue. Sept 23. Go get it :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Song of the Sad Assassin

It bothers me when people don't give WHY? a chance